50 States Book Challenge (2015)
this was an idea that I came up with awhile ago on my bookstagram
(@ncreads). I am aware that there are similar ideas, I didn't intend to
copy anyone.
All you do is throughout 2015 you read a
book for each state in the US. The novel has to be set in the state but
it doesn't have to focus on the state.
For example: I
used American Sniper by Chris Kyle for Texas even though the novel takes
place, for the most part, over seas as he's at war. But he's located in
Texas so I believe that it should count.
You can only use books that you read THIS year! No cheating and using previous books (unless you reread one).
If you decide to participate with me comment on this post and let me know!
If you have Instagram you can use the tag #50statesbookchallenge to keep track of your progress and follow mine.
added pictures of my list. As you can see I've only read five books
that take place in the United States but I have a whole year to finish!
Let me know what you think!
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